
My Favourite Self-Care

My Favourite Self-Care

I've written a few times recently about self-care, slowing down, and doing what resonates. So with that intention, and simple post today...a picture of what's on my nightstand. I'm finishing up "The Tipping Point" and ready to start "Welcome Home." "The Five Minute...

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End of Year Thoughts on Surviving the Holidays

End of Year Thoughts on Surviving the Holidays

It’s been a long, difficult year for everyone. More like two or three long, difficult years. As we close out this year, regardless of how you celebrate, it’s time to give yourself some grace and take the time for some self-care. It’s okay to say no. Whether it’s an...

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How to Stop Overthinking

How to Stop Overthinking

Stay Present Overthinking happens for different reasons but is typically a result of two different things. It can be from ruminating on thoughts from the past, things we wished we had done differently or gone a different way. The other reason is from thoughts about...

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Journaling… Decreases anxiety and depression Writing in a journal has been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and feelings of depression. Reduces overthinking and ruminating Do you tend to overthink and ruminate? Do you get stuck in this state even though it doesn’t...

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ADHD and Time Management

ADHD and Time Management

Put to-do items on your calendar If you find that your tasks languish on your to-do list, put them on your calendar. Without a specific date and time, we may subconsciously continuously question when are we to do a task, especially if there is no deadline. Use your...

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Examples of Affirmations

Examples of Affirmations

Yesterday's post was on the use and effectiveness of affirmations and here are some suggested affirmations to use. Do you use affirmations? What are some of your favourites? Affirmations for anxiety: I am calm and at peace I am safe I choose positive thoughts I've got...

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Reasons for the use of Affirmations

Reasons for the use of Affirmations

According to the literature, the use of affirmations has several benefits. It can improve mental health, increase overall wellness and improve one's sense of well being. Affirmations can reduce stress and the effects of negative emotions. There is also an increase in...

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What to do When Your Child Receives an Autism Diagnosis

What to do When Your Child Receives an Autism Diagnosis

Your child has been diagnosed with autism. You grieve. You read everything you can find. You worry about your child’s future. As an expert in autism and the mom of an autistic adult, these are the things I have found useful. First of all, regardless of all of the...

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Top 5 Tips for Surviving the Holidays

Top 5 Tips for Surviving the Holidays

The holidays can be a difficult time of year for many people; those who are grieving or experiencing loss, survivors of childhood trauma, people who are alone and feeling lonely, workers who are not getting a much needed break, etc., etc. Let me help by giving you the...

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Top 5 Tips for Anxiety

Top 5 Tips for Anxiety

Struggling with anxiety? These are my top five suggestions when symptoms pop up. Deep breathing helps to calm your sympathetic nervous system which is often activated during times of stress. It can also act as a healthy distraction from feelings of anxiety and...

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